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  1. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    Well why ain't you say that in the first place???? P.S. @TrumpyCane paid for it. I didn't contribute anything. It was just all in fun ****posting.
  2. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    YoU aRe PROBABLY cAlLiNg YoUr CaRd CoMpAnY aS wE sPeAk To SeE iF yOu CaN gEt ThE mOnEy YoU wAsTeD bAcK....
  3. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    Man, y'all really butthurt over the banner. We're y'all that butthurt in 2014-2015?
  4. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    TeLl Me YoU cOnTrIbUtEd To ThE bAnNeR wItHoUt TeLlInG mE yOuVe cOnTrIbUtEd To ThE bAnNeR....
  5. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    This is it. This is the one.
  6. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    TrumpyCane is flying the banner

    And a chance to get it right