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  1. MotoSniper


    Have fun losing to Pedo State & Ohio Taint each year...
  2. MotoSniper


    Nice. I moved back to San Diego from the triangle area several years ago. We had a house in Durham when I went back to school at Duke after the military. Raleigh and the surrounding areas were pretty nice. I thought Raleigh was bigger than what it was for being the capital, but still plenty to do.
  3. MotoSniper


    You live in Sandusky, Ohio?!? I make enough money where I can live nice in San Diego, but I see your point, cost of living definitely needs to calculate in. Columbus is ok bc it's a city of sorts...places like Sandusky on the other hand???
  4. MotoSniper


    It does play a factor, not the end-all-be-all of factors, but relevant none the less. There is a reason I choose to live in San Diego and not butt fück Michigan or Ohio. Ambiance and surroundings does impact quality of life.