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  1. MiamisMoperiestMopes

    I spoke with a current player.

    I’ll ride with that sweet confirmation bias. He’s still here. Recruited. Mario blamed players not coaching. They didn’t forget to coach.
  2. MiamisMoperiestMopes

    I spoke with a current player.

    Better than 5 wins. Or 7 wins. Yeah not where we want to be but talent alone should get us to the 9-10 win range in a few years based on his recruiting ability. We’ll win a big game here or there but also lose something we have no business losing. Similar to Oregon last year. If I have to chose...
  3. MiamisMoperiestMopes

    I spoke with a current player.

    appreciate the porst! Grain of salt and all but it feels like it confirms a lot of things. ****** culture, questionable talent, bad corching (past/present), but better days probably ahead.