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  1. Memnon

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    How’s that working out for you?
  2. Memnon

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    Be careful what you wish for...
  3. Memnon

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    They CAN be good, I’m not saying they’re not going to be, I’m saying I will believe it when I see it. Someone can tell me there’s a Magical Machine in the sky that produces unlimited gold, and there may be one, but until I see it with my own eyes I’m not gonna just believe there is one.
  4. Memnon

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    IF the best players play the CB group can be solid. But I’ll believe when I see it...