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  1. KingB02

    Stop recruiting small towns

    So that does not mean we should stop trying to get them. We should try harder. Obviously country families will take the bag more often cause well, they need it and that could be why we struggle to get them boys here. But you were saying stop even attempting. Just cause a few 10s turn you down...
  2. KingB02

    Stop recruiting small towns

    Dumph had all those qualifications and more coaching experience than DVD and failed miserably. No thanks! No more guys learning on the job here! We need proven coaches everywhere. LSU DB coach only makes 460k a year.. give him a 100k raise if you want to win! And he still would not be highest...
  3. KingB02

    Stop recruiting small towns

    But you never mentioned the amount of country boys we have had total in that time lol. And how many transferred or were busts. How many transferred that are from large towns? What’s the ratio of small to large town kids that transferred. Without that data, argument is flawed. And are you saying...