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    12 month campaign for the Pirate

    .... I love all this "libs" talk. Meanwhile, the University of Oregon in Eugene is about as left-leaning and liberal a place as exists—yet they care tremendously about football and are dumping assloads of Phil Knight's Nike money into building a winner. News flash; just about every program not...

    12 month campaign for the Pirate

    Seriously. I'm having too much fun "imagining" him trying to recruit South Florida talent when going up against Florida, Florida State, Central Florida, South Florida, Florida International and Florida Atlantic. Dude is a space cadet and a perfect fit in Pullman, where he can teach some...

    12 month campaign for the Pirate

    This. Quirky, nebbish, oddball savant-type—who is the perfect big fish in a little pond at a bottom-feeder Pac-12 program like Washington State, where expectations are garbage. Dude can barely handle the Spokane media after a loss to Washington—he's gonna handle the pressure cooker that is...