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  1. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    I’ve heard mixed reviews. Has his moments but needs a ton of work…as do most oline guys
  2. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    Let him waste away up there. Nobody will remember who he is in a few years as FSU continues to be below .500
  3. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    Move along guys
  4. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    Yeah FSU dropped that bag. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  5. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    True, but he closed on some good dudes today. Still impressive with such a short amount of time.
  6. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    He can recruit. Didn’t start out on the right foot but it’s going to be a wild ride in recruiting moving forward.
  7. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    No effing way. It’s gotta be UF.
  8. Invalid Username

    Julian Armella

    Novell is desperate to end on a somewhat good note. Probably gave him the key to the trailer park city up there