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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Nothing against Deboer, I think he's a fantastic coach, I just think so much of what Bama was able to accomplish was based on Saban's force of personality. For a long time no one was able to replicate Mack Browns (relatively) successful tenure at Texas. IMO the biggest reason why is that the...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Addae would be a great fit for his staff!
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    I know it's a pipedream but I'd love it if both Harbaugh and Smart left for the NFL (and to a lesser extent, Riley). Having a big reshuffling of the deck and some uncertainty about the top teams would be great for CFB.
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    UW is going to be in the B1G soon and they are offering him 9 million a year to stay. IMO that's a pretty cushy gig with a lot less stress. Frankly I'm surprised Dabo has fallen so far down Bama's list. 3 years ago they'd have rioted if it had been anyone other than him. Now they will riot...
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Innovative coaching
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

  7. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    I don't know if it's embarrassing so much as it is that Bama is a victim of its own success. Bama fans expect a title at least every other year. If a new HC tries to change anything and goes into a "title drought" (in other words, not winning a title in the next 3 years), then fans will say he...
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Are you saying that Rees covered up for Saban diddling kids?
  9. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Id bet on Rees. I just don't think successful head coaches with cushy gigs are going to want to deal with the Bama fans expectations. Ohio State fans have been wanting to fire Ryan Day because he got beat a couple times in a row by Michigan. Now imagine that times 1000 if Bama goes on a...
  10. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    My dream scenario is Norvell to Bama, Deion to FSU. Hilarity ensues.
  11. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Sark leaving Texas for Bama? That's silly. If any sportswriter suggested that, he should have his media credentials immediately revoked.
  12. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Allegedly Banged the HCs daughter, had way too much fun at a bowl game, constantly needled Saban as a coordinator but didn't get fired because he was too **** good at his job.... So far every negative story about him just makes him look cooler.
  13. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    The world where people with brains know that you don't want to try to fill Saban's shoes. The only candidates I think wouldn't be scared off by that are: 1. HCs with multiple natties who can tell the fans to STFU when the fans and boosters want blood after they lose a game (Dabo, Meyer). 2...
  14. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    The slim bit of amusement I could find in Kiffin going to FSU and making them title contenders every year, is that I kept receipts of the huge list of people who mocked me (and @Memnon and @gogeta4 so have to give them credit as well) when I said hiring Kiffin was a far better move than hiring...
  15. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Bonds was a very good hitter before his noggin swole to 10x its normal size. He was HOF bound pre-steroids, but I seriously doubt he'd be considered the most feared hitter ever. He and Ken Griffey Jr. were 1a and 1b for best hitter in MLB over the 1st 12 years of their careers. Griffey had...
  16. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    I doubt FSU has the money to buy out Kiffin's contract. According to this Kiffin signed an 8 year contract with the school boosters to get around...
  17. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    Lane is smart enough to know he doesn't want to be the HC that takes over for Saban. He'd take the job after the next HC gets run out of town for losing 2 games. Dabo has the ego so it wouldn't bother him. My guess is Norvell also knows that he's got a sweet gig in Tallahassee.
  18. Handsome Squidbum

    Saban has retired.

    I'm too depressed now after reading @TriStarCane 's post this morning.