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  1. Go Canes!!

    Avantae Williams - charges dropped and dismissed

    As they should have right?
  2. Go Canes!!

    Avantae Williams - charges dropped and dismissed

    Ask yourself this. Does Manny seem like the kind of coach or man for that matter who’d dump ANY kid if he came to him insisting the girl was lying?
  3. Go Canes!!

    Avantae Williams - charges dropped and dismissed

    If he admits to the coaches that the facts are relatively accurate but the girl won’t press charges, did he still beat her up? Not guilty in court isn’t and shouldn’t be the only factor.
  4. Go Canes!!

    Avantae Williams - charges dropped and dismissed

    Just because the charges were dropped doesn’t mean he didn’t beat up a young, pregnant woman. Manny needs to worry about the message he’s sending about what’s acceptable behavior to the other 85 guys on this roster.