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  1. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Thank you and so do you. All true. We basically got rid of the Empire we took from Spain with just a couple strategic exceptions. Also, as up said we did not pillage and butcher for sport. Although our biggest body count did come during the only Ruler for Life we have had to date - FDR...
  2. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    I've been furious at our Bishops for their denial of The Host to us during this virus. No excuse for it. They can excuse us from duty to attend Mass for a while but The Body and Blood of The Lord a different matter. t was scandal. One Parrish near us at least had drive up Confession. I was...
  3. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Like every discussion with my new friend, it can be endless. I love it. Not prepared to relive the Protestant Revolt this afternoon but certainly another day. Just short note, Bible, that is Christ's words in same, clearly gave certain "keys" to a select group of people and again to do...
  4. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    I grew up is mixed marriage home. Mom was Italian Catholic and dad Southern Methodist. Back then, you married a Catholic you agreed to the children being raised Catholic and dad complied. That did not keep him from taking every shot he could like a good klan type would. He always claimed...
  5. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Excellent points. Rome needed Britain for its tin. The Germans just refuse to behave and Rome need loot as part of its economic system and they just refused to stay conquered plus were too poor to be worth the trouble. We do not need empire for resources and should be able to figure out the...
  6. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Well, that is one school of thought. Christ sent down some very specific things required for enteral like. I tend to be a checklist type of person. Spirituality is wonderful and I love it, but the to do list Christ left never leaves my thoughts. There are some real difficult ones. That love...
  7. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    so much the same but there are differences that favor us, not the lease of which we are much younger in our world power stage. It is note worthy that we are fighting Iran which under different names battled Rome for ages. We are still trying to keep the Republic. Rome fell into dictatorship...
  8. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Man, Catholics under every stone here. I still attend the Mass from the 1962 Missal of Pope John XXIII, now the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or for short, the Latin Mass. Once the Priest got re-orientated toward the people instead of God, the New Oder Mass became unbearable for me...
  9. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    I am also Catholic and suspect it will show a bit of a mixed bag. The Chief Rabbi of Rome spent much of the war hiding "under the Pope's" and Hitler made no bones about the Pope being the biggest enemy. Then again he operated without and secular protection in the most hostile of circumstances...
  10. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Thank you. It seems you and I agree about much and I know you have issues with TheOriginalCane(he doesn't let anything slide so who hasn't), but he puts forth good sound positions and is a worthy debater. I would expect nothing less from any Cane brother. One thing you got to love about him...
  11. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Completely agree about manufacturing. We must take back our factories. Since Nixon we have betrayed but our government implementation of a very Roman like tribute system to put off confrontation with China - Pet policy of Henry Kissinger. They basically have been trading our jobs for peace...
  12. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Rome is a favorite study of mine also. The parallels between them and the US are strong with one major difference. Rome was dependent on outside sources(mostly the "empire") for food and essential rare materials. We are virtually self sufficient or can be as a matter of will. While unpopular...
  13. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    I have no idea how "hate" got in there. I had to read several times to find it. I meant old HAT. Auto correct must have gotten me. Hate is not my stick at all. Sorry about that. I will correct it. We certainly are branching out on our candidates. I grant that the "liberalization" has...
  14. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Good points but the age of electorate discussion is kind of old hat to me. As a baby boomer, we were supposed to be what turned the electorate but things didn't change much - Nixon, disaster - Carter, disaster, - Ronnie not too bad and 3rd term, but then only Pres to win a war and lose(guess he...
  15. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    One of the in-laws did manage to squeeze and Masters from The U. So all was not lost.
  16. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Thank you. That wet night scared me. The Good Lord saw fit to give me two Gator kids and in-law to go with each. One went on to OSU for doctorate salt to wound. The Big Guy has strange sense of humor.
  17. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Nicely stated. The Poly si major shows. I majored in Finance so my approach is different. Being a no party affiliation I have no love of the Republicans especially Mitch. Keeping in mind that Trump left the Republicans in pieces during the primary I would not count a direct relationship...
  18. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Well, we are in complete agreement about CFHOF. I don't speak for others unless, of course, I am being paid. I do understand your love of being right. I was wrong once, but it was so long ago I have forgotten what is was about. Take care.
  19. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Well, he does love to argue.
  20. Gatorhater

    College Football Hall of Fame

    Love your drill down material. I'm a Trump supporter too, big time one actually, but nothing trumps my love of Canes. Truthfully, I had no idea of your politics. I argue with you because it is hard to find decent discourse with anyone other than a fellow UM Law grad. Now, not to start...