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  1. FromDeeeeep

    2025 Seuseu "SJ" Alofaituli 4* IOL from Gorman

    Aaron Donald is 6’1 280 and is one of the greatest DTs of all time. Should we keep stacking the DT room with undersized guys like Manny did? Or have we learned our lesson? Kelce was a low ranked guy who made it through hard work and determination. He is an exception not the rule. Just look...
  2. FromDeeeeep

    2025 Seuseu "SJ" Alofaituli 4* IOL from Gorman

    Gaby said he looked closer to 6’1 than 6’3. If that’s right then I can see why. We just finished a season with 4 undersized Centers on the roster that were unplayable (Rodriguez, Denis, Logan S, Tripp).