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  1. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Both of my family members came away with the impression that the weed docs want to find a way to give you a card, not try and screen you out from being approved for one. I'm planning on finally going this month. Getting is easy, I just don't want to worry about getting popped when I have my pen...
  2. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Great point.
  3. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Two of my family members do, but I don't... yet.
  4. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    I AM talking about people smoking marijuana to get buzzed, Joe. That's the entire discussion here! Pushing this in the direction of medicinal benefits of CBD vs intoxication with THC is an absolute red herring. We're talking about two student athletes, both who elect to get intoxicated on a...
  5. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Ok, since you insist, I'll play.... First, it appears you glazed over the part of my response where I said this wasn't a discussion of marijuana vs sobriety. Just like I am very pro vaping, but not in terms of "I think vaping is 100% safe and wonderful and everyone should do it!". **** no! I...
  6. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Literally, the three most successful people I know in life (professionally/monetarily, though I also admire all three for what good people and family men they are) smoke weed almost every night. Not coincidentally, none of them drink. Two did, it started becoming a negative, and and they quit...
  7. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Please go back and show me where I said weed is harmless and that I want it in the hands of children. I'll wait. I don't speak off talking points, bud. I speak from lived experience. The conversation here was the treatment of marijuana by the NCAA vs how the organization handles alcohol, not...
  8. For_The_U

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    Theres a lot of truth to that, 88. Trying to paint it as a black and white situation either way is disingenuous. Well said. But in order to make your analysis above hold water, if you're going to mix in all the couch potato stoners with those who smoke and arent apathetic losers, then you also...
  9. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Preach, El!!! Spot on.
  10. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    Are you ok with young athletes drinking alcohol? What is the point of that? Same logic applies. For most college kids they would have to break the law to consume either alcohol or legal marijuana (age for both is 21). But if they do (and we all know they do) the discipline they face as a result...
  11. For_The_U

    In other news.....

    I don't mean this in a combative way, but I think you missed the angle he was going with this. Even in legal states, you have to be 21 to buy and consume marijuana (if not issued for medical purposes). As we know, most college kids are not 21. So he isnt advocating for it to just be open season...
  12. For_The_U

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    What in the world does that have to do with the insanity that is marijuana prohibition?