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  1. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    I don't think its a lack of faith in development for two reasons. First, this stuff went on back under Randy, who liked his corners big, and that was back when we (arguably) actually developed! We've combined two traits that are glaring when combined - quirky size requirements for certain...
  2. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    the one position where the consensus is really spotty is OL. I have a different rule on OL. When the people who are close to local HS FB say ‘don’t offer,’ they’re always right. However, I’m much less clear on whether the consensus of ‘good’ has much historical accuracy for local Ol. i think...
  3. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    What do you think it takes to fix our eval process?
  4. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    yep. 5 incompetent head coaches in a row and an admin that is clueless and doesn’t care ... hard to overcome.
  5. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    we’ve been saying this for years. i have been yapping about evals at the program since the early coker years! so frustrating not only that we ain’t doing it right all these years later but how little the staff and admin (and most fans) seem to understand about the topic.
  6. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    the ‘everyone missed on him’ argument is awful. a complete failure to understand what we’re supposed to know and do regarding kids in our back yard.
  7. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    lmao. I just posted that he sounded like fake james.
  8. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    *SMH* Blake, is that you? They have all failed. If you can't grasp that, you're not sentient. If you don't see any patterns in their failures, you're not smart. The fact that they've all added their own flair to failing doesn't eliminate the benefit of diagnosing things they've done wrong...
  9. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    ROFLMGDAO You seriously, mane? This is a Miami board, and considering how bad the program has been for nearly two decades, you should expect to hear discussion of what our corches are doing poorly at, and areas they should do better at. If you can’t handle that, don’t come to a message board...
  10. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    woo wee. you say that because you read it on a fan site? you think alabama would have taken ezzard’s commitment? did he take an official to alabama?
  11. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    If recruiting services don’t matter to those schools evals, why do you keep mentioning recruiting services?
  12. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    there is certainly an element of recruiting guys who fit your scheme. But we’ve recruited too many tall wrs who shy from contact, and height ain’t even all that in the nfl. toughness at wr is critical. use of body, hands.
  13. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    What’s the secret method butch used? What’s warren buffet’s secret method? in cfb it’s evaluate. it’s the whole reason this discussion happens. if you’re some ‘efficient market theory’ type who thinks recruiting site lists reflect the best info that can be had, then lulz at you, that’s a...
  14. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    You bring up an interesting observation, considering how badly our WR evals have gone the past 18 years. Maybe we should try to do it differently. Meanwhile, the point on projecting kids beyond their Hs position was what why we got on this and it remains the case. Not only at WR but plenty of...
  15. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    You bring up a great topic. WR is an interesting position that is mis-evaluated clearly, not only at UM but widely. Kids get highly rated based on pure physical traits (measurable) and camp results, but few come from great passing schemes and the biggest variable is toughness and willingness to...
  16. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    You seem incapable of understanding the concept of evaluations. In your view, kids are random probabilities based on their fan site ratings, and coaches are just playing lotto. It’s a crazy view that has nothing to do with the real world of recruiting, except maybe the way Coker did it. Our...
  17. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    We've had incompetent coaches for the past 20 years, so yes, it's been a while. Most of those kids we ignore these days. Last two that come to mind are Roscoe Parrish and Ethenic Sands.
  18. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    You think that's evidence that our staff knows how to evaluate or recruit WRs? LMAO. Wow.
  19. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    It may be hard to evaluate against top WRs, but that's the task and there's no avoiding it. All evaluating is hard. Our staff has been absolutely terrible at evaluating 'regular WRs', in any case, so it's hard to see how they'd do worse taking truly superior athletes who play QB in Dade...
  20. Ethnicsands

    Mike Jackson of Palmetto is this years TuTu Atwell.

    Whatever else is true about Atwell, this should be irrelevant to the discussion. Our staff needs to find kids who can make plays at UM. We got fans giving extra credit for finding kids who can be marginal NFL players and they ain't ready to play when they get here, and they leave before they...