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  1. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    Talking to LOW IQ, statists, progressives, socialist democrats bores me. Not wasting key strokes on this anymore. Have a wonderful life.
  2. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    I guess You are just a leach
  3. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    Exactly, Section 8 receipents vote 100% for Obama and hildabeast.
  4. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    Well with that comment, prove to me you are not a leach or on welfare. It works both ways.
  5. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    Well I voted for Trump and I am not a racist or dumb. Was making a point to not stereotype individuals.
  6. Era66

    Rumblings from the locker room

    With that reasoning, anyone that voted for Obama is leach and welfare recipient.