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  1. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    How is this working out?
  2. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    IF they get Coastal Carolina to maintain their Moglia-built roll, they would destroy our Canes. Not even a contest. That is unfortunately, the present state of our Canes until they prove otherwise.
  3. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    I would support ritualistic sacrifice* on the sideline to appease the angry pigskin gods. *calm down muppets
  4. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    CIS hittin' it hard today. SLOOOW down. Next up a thread about infinite bigness and smallness.
  5. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    EXCELLENT pop reference tied back to real. event. +100. Clever. Wins CIS for the week.
  6. Empirical Cane

    Canes should not lose more than 2 regular season games

    CIS will go full on burning monk👇