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  1. Empirical Cane


    Attacking a woman of color. Ballsy.
  2. Empirical Cane


    @Rellyrell My point is (was) the absurdity of the zealotry and purity of just about any discussion that takes place on all sides. Trump holding a Bible in front of a church is rivaled by Sharpton "preaching" in one and BOTH not bursting into flames. Look how quickly "the movement" turned on...
  3. Empirical Cane


    I can't actually.
  4. Empirical Cane


    Word on street Danny Boy-o is also a shotgun safety expert.
  5. Empirical Cane


    P38 Lightning? Kudos to him and your family. Regrets on his passing.
  6. Empirical Cane


    I say "Nuts!" Oh sorry, that will be the next thread Bulging with sensibility.
  7. Empirical Cane


    Not exactly a 1:1, but point taken.
  8. Empirical Cane


    It actually would be if we can reach a point where everyone feels like they are on the same team. Much progress made, much remains to be made.
  9. Empirical Cane


    Even hurricanes have political affiliations now. Oh wait, too late. sigh.
  10. Empirical Cane


  11. Empirical Cane


    You need a refund.
  12. Empirical Cane


    Absolutely! Again I'm being overly harsh because even the CONOPS, let alone doctrine, of strategic bombing (not to mention close air support) wasn't even crayon on a napkin at this point. As a young one, our commander required all of us to brief on one aspect of Overlord prior to taking a 5...
  13. Empirical Cane


    They were a huge concern. As much, or more, than the rock-sand mix on the beaches themselves. Ike was concerned the tanks would struggle just getting off the beaches.
  14. Empirical Cane


    The part were we failed a touch was strategic bombing. Granted, that doctrine was in its infancy and they weren't able to turn 8AF loose on those beaches for sustained operations in the days leading up to the landings (weather notwithstanding).
  15. Empirical Cane


    Would love to see folks try and refute factually a single thing she says here. Granted, hard to look in the mirror and our nation still has much work to do, but somebody needs to report her for murdering SJWs.
  16. Empirical Cane


  17. Empirical Cane


    Yes move or die. I've stood on Omaha Beach, at the waterline, at the same incredibly low tide, on a 6 June, exactly 0636 approximately where Able Company had their first ramp drop (remember ~5 of their fellow landing craft never made the beach due to artillery strikes). For fun go to Pont Du...
  18. Empirical Cane


    Wrong doc, but good point. Psychiatry is the hallway he might want to take a gander down. He sees messages in clouds that are hidden from the rest.
  19. Empirical Cane

