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  1. Edward20

    alabama qb about to hit 1 mill in nli endorsement (six figures w/cashapp)

    Lol thanks I know man. I was being a smartass meaning if he wasn't a cis pumper poster he didn't have anything to do with what I said. I was just responding to a general statement
  2. Edward20

    alabama qb about to hit 1 mill in nli endorsement (six figures w/cashapp)

    I was reversing JD's logic, because it 100% goes both ways on this site. Had nothing to do with Heitner in particular. That's why it said "Also as a general rule"......
  3. Edward20

    alabama qb about to hit 1 mill in nli endorsement (six figures w/cashapp)

    Yeah I knew that. I guess you're responding to someone else since he has absolutely ******* nothing to do with anything involving cis sunshine pumpers.
  4. Edward20

    alabama qb about to hit 1 mill in nli endorsement (six figures w/cashapp)

    Also as a general rule, any time the slightest bit of anything but blind sunshine pumping comes out, the CIS Sunshine Pumpers Cartel love to jump on it. It's best to ignore them, they don't live in reality anyway.
  5. Edward20

    alabama qb about to hit 1 mill in nli endorsement (six figures w/cashapp)

    Yes, those of us with a ******* clue could grasp this. Unfortunately 75% of the board was/is stuck on "tHiS wiLL ReAlLy HElp miAmI! ThOSe sEc ToWns ArE bRoKe anD We pLaY In a CIty!!"