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  1. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Paid by who though? Because if you pay them, you pay every scholarship athlete on campus the same. Feeling that they should justifiably be paid and it being logistically possible are 2 very different things. Do they deserve something out of all the money they generate? Probably. Will they ever...
  2. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    And D1 athletes getting paid much when you have to pay all of them the same and most schools lose money let alone make enough on Athletics Dept budgets to do it no less is far more ridiculous than that. The only reason the low rent budget entertainers were brought into it was because ya boy made...
  3. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    I'm not denying to an extent the system is ****ed up. I'm denying that under current laws you can just do something to fix it or make it fair. They can't just decide to start paying players. Its not happening. Really their only option is to allow the profit off of likeness thing.
  4. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    That's because they make a gazillion more than colleges do and it's their "job". Non amateur status. Falls under the same laws.
  5. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    And not to mention you go the Jeff Thomas route lmao? Yeah, he's the most entertaining player on the team. In a free market he would probably get paid the most. But Tyreic Martin has more entertainment value to the masses than an actor in a low budget show with 100,000 viewers? Doubt it. Nobody...
  6. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Lol didn't you just counterproductively respond? And actually you began to argue who was an entertainer when you said wannabe actresses that still have to serve on the side to make money aren't considered so. I tried to end it, but thanks for the continual softballs.
  7. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Dude. Your statement was "most entertainers get paid VERY well". If pointing out example after example of that being false is "arguing just to argue" than Idk what to tell you Cartman. But I'll let it go too. Go Canes
  8. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Yeah that's why I said making money off of their likeness was a different matter. I agree that's a loophole they could open with a Judge's ruling. But in terms of them getting "paid their worth" by a school I stand by exactly what I said. The system can't determine "their worth" individually and...
  9. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    If you ask them I bet they'll say they are, but okay. Then how about clowns that do kids' parties? How about mimes? How about strippers at ****** clubs? Actors in plays? Magicians? Etc, etc, etc All entertainers and none are paid well let alone VERY well.
  10. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Did you clarify, or did you say entertainers get paid VERY well? Didn't think so
  11. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    You can't. Maybe you missed that little issue called Title 9. As long as it exists athletes aren't getting paid. You can't pay the football player 100,000 without paying the 8th string women's volleyball player the same. Making money off of their likeness is a seperate matter.
  12. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    Lol they do huh? Try visiting LA or NY sometime and ask your wanna be actress that's your server at dinner about that. I would bet about 3% at best probably get paid well.
  13. Edward20

    Pay them!!

    What about it? Please fill me in on how many major corporations take part in profit sharing with the people who work everyday to make them those profits. In any given year those kids are given a **** of alot more in monetary value than the average person gets paid that's for **** sure.