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  1. D

    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    I live 15 mins from the Border, I wouldnt say its a **** hole. And up until 9/11 the border was pretty much open.
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    I have 2 Uncles that are 5% percenters from Queens
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    I guess you are fine with kids wanting *** changes at the age of 5?
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Old enough to be proud to say I am apart of the last generation of Americans to know what happens when you dont come inside the house when the street lights come on. This whole argument is meant to split the country while both sides **** us and our kids kids over in the future.
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Five Percenters say the same **** about MLK do you even know who they are lol
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Dont like the conservative BS talk either
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Here we go again with the BS liberal talk Also MLK was a Government Agent put in place to break up the black community by selling the fools gold dream of Intergration.
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    How do you know an fetus can feel pain? And because some of us do live past our physical being and have an understanding about the Spiritual world.
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Because spiritually its the devils work, its not the natural order of life
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    OT: College Cheating Scandal - Pay to Play?

    Nothing is more idiotic in America right now is the stupid Left vs Right/Conservative vs Liberal divisions. What makes someone fit into either category? Im against *** Marriage but for Abortion so where does that put me?