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  1. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    Keep it up! Good work.
  2. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    I am surprised by the Rashada connection silence here. We heard a ton from Brown during Jaden’s recruitment and OV. Not the other way when this is pending. I can appreciate that if they are boys, Rashada is going to keep it under wraps until Jalen makes a commit. But it is too quiet with all...
  3. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    Kinda takes the fun out of it…but I prefer to be in the know. Thank you for your arithmetic.
  4. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    And there it is! What seemed confusing is crystal clear. Why all the drama with these kids? Lots of silence from Rashada the entire time too, made it not seem real.
  5. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    I was on a flight across from Europe during the Mauigoa announcement. I may have woken up a few people with my victory scream when he I was able to read that he announced for the good guys (probably over the Azores). Sorry to hear of your plight.
  6. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    This is just straight up strange. We get the QB and he doesn’t want to play on the same team as him? And the QB asks him to come to campus for the OV, which he obliged, the QB commits and now he is bolting town. What gives? Why would he come to campus to help land the QB if he wasn’t coming...
  7. C

    2023 Miami offers 2023 WR Jalen Brown

    Curse of the Lispino?