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  1. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Yep! I don got hip to dat one
  2. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Maudes will y’all please put this Klown outta his misery real fast
  3. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Only Bud Light Platinums
  4. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    @Cribby aye 🐐 Confidence1000 here! Me & a couple of the fellas in the hood & at the TRAP wanna know if we eating Pancakes today or not
  5. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Man Get cho *** outta here trolling
  6. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Right on😂😂😂😂😂
  7. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    I remember her! They use to call her “Jaw Bone”
  8. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Oh yeah? Well unless ur a female Scott told me to tell u Hey yo!!!!! Hit the button
  9. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Good bc we don’t want his “balls” pause
  10. Confidence1000

    2023 Samson Okunlola 2.0 - Commits to UM12/15

    Don’t do this to us 🐐