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  1. Cognizantphotos

    OT: Ireland/Scotland...where to go?

    You sound like me lol, I always opt for new countries, eventually I’ll circle back. I’ve been dying to go back to Galapagos hands down the most amazing experience ever.
  2. Cognizantphotos

    OT: Ireland/Scotland...where to go?

    Heres a couple
  3. Cognizantphotos

    OT: Ireland/Scotland...where to go?

    Yup. I travel a lot so I got a wide array of places on there.
  4. Cognizantphotos

    OT: Ireland/Scotland...where to go?

    Copenhagen is amazing, just watch out for all those **** bicycles lol. if you want to see some professional pics, check out my instagram was just there.