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  1. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    Wow didn't realize Olson was so bad. We wasted so many good defenses...
  2. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    You could very well be right. I wanted to compare this offense to the pat nix offense in the 2000’s but I have a feeling this one is worse
  3. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    Yea our oline has been bad for quite some time but Lashlee was able to scheme around that and yield 34 ppg. Not great in today's game but a heck of a lot better than the pathetic 18.5 we're scoring this year. Ok lets talk the Bama game... we scored 13 on Bama. I would argue that Lashlee would...
  4. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    Yup some folks here want mario to work so badly they're choosing to ignore whats happening and are unwilling to fairly criticize the product that's been put on the field.
  5. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    Oh look in one off-season we managed to go from 34 ppg to 18.5 ppg! A whopping 16 ppg decrease with an easier schedule! But sure bud keep believing that the style of offense we run has nothing to do with how historically abominable this offense's production is! Team OC PPG vs P5 Teams 2016...
  6. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    Bro they scored 9 pts against A&M. I don’t care how much you’ve moved the ball if you can’t score - pts win games not yards. This has been the theme for the offense all season too - when something is so consistent you can bet that it’s been happening in practice. We could have adapted this...
  7. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    They absolutely changed the scheme but it was too late and it’s still not producing enough points. This staff tried to fit a square peg into a round hole all off-season and then tried to make a change in-season when it was evident it’s not working. They should have made the changes in the...
  8. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    This offensive line couldn’t get a push last year either and we were able to produce 16 ppg more. If we had adapted our scheme/coaching this offseason to our personnel we would have at least been as productive as last year which would have yielded at least 2 more wins. Changes need to made this...
  9. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    I would be happy if instead of saying "we gotta get back to work" he said "we gotta get back to work but we also need to evaluate what's working and what's not working - and make changes accordingly". That would signal to me that he's planning on doing an honest eval and is willing to change for...
  10. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    This style of offense isn't going to work because we don't have the personnel to run the ball like Mario and Gattis want to. See below for how putrid this offense is compared to what has worked in the past. The only way we're going to succeed with the type of offense Mario/Gattis want to run is...
  11. Canesrule230

    Mario Cristobal on Joe Rose 10/24

    What I heard in that call is Mario is going to keep doing the same thing - we just need to keep working. Gonna be a long tenure if he thinks this style of offense is gonna work here.