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  1. Canes2082

    2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

    Lol I thought about cropping the photo… Peep the tv screen below
  2. Canes2082

    2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

    No just visiting… lots of fam here. At a place called Rafferty’s near Bowman Field
  3. Canes2082

    2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

    Sitting at a restaurant in Louisville and look who I spot on tv… must be a sign
  4. Canes2082

    2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

    Correct and did he say when it was coming?? A lot of people on here are impatient and want instant gratification. Not saying this about you. This staff has been here 9 months now. Let them do their work. Do we have needs and holes to fill? Yes But people look at the glass half empty more often...
  5. Canes2082

    2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

    Did anyone hear what Mario said about recruiting? That it generally takes 18-24 months to get it really going… I’m looking at where we were and where we are now… it’s light years ahead of where we should be. I’ll take it…