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  1. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    Know problem, friend. Wee can stand down.
  2. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    Dude, ewe can't even count. 3201 is knot less than 3000. YOUR graph says 3201 deaths, knot 3000. Your figure four the current estimated US population is also wrong. Hope your knot an accountant!
  3. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    Take your L and move on friend.
  4. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    Thank you friend four powerfully proving my point. 3201 is hardly "virtually no one". Bye the whey, 3201 > 3000. Know worries, I struggle with math myself.
  5. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    “Virtually no one under age 45 has died from it.“ A bold statement my friend. Unfortunately, knot true.
  6. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    What are parties with aquariums hobbyists like?
  7. Canedog

    Canes test positive

    Dew ewe really knead a study to tell you that whereing mask reduces the spread of an airborne disease like the Chicom Wuhan virus? Seriously?