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  1. CaneFan79

    Off-Topic Finally, Tim Tebow can have ***...with a woman...

    Too bad Timmy and his Daddy judged first: "First, the ministry boldly states, “We reject the modern ecumenical movement.” Second, the ministry’s literature estimates that 75% of the inhabitants of the Philippines “have never once...
  2. CaneFan79

    Off-Topic Finally, Tim Tebow can have ***...with a woman...

    Former Air Force Spec Ops here. Sorry for the confusion; In using "team" I was alluding to the military as a team, not implying that if someone washed out of Q Course or BUD/S, they would stay in the org and be re-trained. However, you can't discount the possibility that a navy submariner...
  3. CaneFan79

    Off-Topic Finally, Tim Tebow can have ***...with a woman...

    1) Thanks for bolstering my point that Tebow is a religous bigot. 2) Thousands of aspiring SEALS, Special Forces, etc. wash out every year because they can't meet "the standards." Rather than try to separate, they stay on the team, find jobs in intelligence, aviation maintenance operations...
  4. CaneFan79

    Off-Topic Finally, Tim Tebow can have ***...with a woman...

    Tebow about to be Prince Harried...Will go to wife's home continent to leave his King ESECPN duties. In typical Tebow mile-wide ego fashion, will announce his plans to join the World Champion Springboks Rugby Team, In response, Springboks management leaves for game preserve so their preferred...
  5. CaneFan79

    Off-Topic Finally, Tim Tebow can have ***...with a woman...

    There is a lot of reasons many people dislike Tebow. In my case, he espouses Christianity but worked for his Dad's mininistry...The same ministry that called most Filipinos non-Christian because they were Roman Catholic. Next, one of the core tennts of the Christianity that Tebow espouses is...