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  1. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    It's Butch Davis the football God week! Everyone should be happy! Cmon guys you're better than this!
  2. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    Who claimed that he outreached anyone? You're reaching my friend.
  3. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    You haven't been here long enough to be annoyed by either me or Butch Davis.
  4. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    No one was even talking to you son. But thanks for chipping in during Butch Davis week!
  5. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    You started the thread.
  6. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    Hey I didn't start this thread with Butch Davis the football God's name in the title. That was someone else. Many closet Butch fans here. The louder they protest the more sure you can be.
  7. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    I love a good Butch Davis thread on a Friday afternoon. Butch Davis is a football God! Otherwise how could he take up so much bandwidth here?
  8. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    Everyone except for a small cadre of beta male haters and some feckless admin types know this. Butch was the home run hire. Now we will see if the 2nd tier guy can get it done. It hasn't looked likely up to this point.
  9. Cane Dynasty

    Butch never coached against Richt?

    I'm just here to reiterate those sentiments. Butch Davis is a football God!