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  1. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges
  2. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Irony is always ironic..
  3. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    That's why smart guys like me keep all their money in the ashtray of their car.
  4. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    yikes :worked-till-5am:
  5. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    This whole thing is starting to smell bad.
  6. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Holy schit! I bet his ******* mother couldn't identify him looking like he did in court. Today: First court appearance:
  7. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Yeah watch the vid at that link. It's some goofy moonbat stuff going on in that courtroom. Not what you'd expect from a courtroom proceeding of this magnitude. But I'm not a lawyer or courtroom employee, maybe this is more common than we know.
  8. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Denied bail. Not a good sign. The judge used a scene from a Mission Impossible movie as justification:big-sean: (no really he did Kellen Winslow's Bail Denied Over Judge's Fear He's Like Tom Cruise)
  9. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    I'm officially "in before the lock. I predict 2 thunderdomes and one full ban before the lock.
  10. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Perhaps.......perhaps not......therein lies the rub my friend.
  11. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Jesus Christ this fvckin guy has some serious issues if this is true. I like a gum-job as much as the next guy but this is beyond the pale.
  12. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    I thought your ghey *** had me on love me on the DL ***aloon
  13. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    nice..."well played" you ***aloon. Anyone,anytime, anywhere.
  14. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    racist? lulz so a half black guy from Africa is racist because he calls a half black guy from America a dumb niqqa? You are a ******* soft ******. go find a safe space ***aloon
  15. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    I was born in Africa so fvk you ***aloon. I ain't African American. I'm fvckin African. Full stop.
  16. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Real talk........ Dum niggaz is dum
  17. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    What a nightmare replay. I was with a bunch of Fsufks watching that game......despair. I'll remember that forever. watching on some old borken down 54" Mitsubishi console tv. Fkn disaster.
  18. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Fk me runnin'........
  19. Cane Dynasty

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    I'd hope it's at least a double-wide like mine.