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  1. C

    OT: Give me some MJ!

    Also, I meant to say, and really, the only stat that needs to be displayed to end all the non-sense is with this question I ask people like shay sharpe all the time, how can anybody be considered among the Best, and average 2 points in the 4th quarter, of the NBA finals the whole series, HOW IS...
  2. C

    OT: Give me some MJ!

    ROFL "It's just a couple of the many tap-out moments Lebron has had in his career. Only reason I mention this is because he had way too"! I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this, and bruh I'm glad you brought up jj barera, even though he from the crib, in that same Dallas series, when he got...
  3. C

    OT: Give me some MJ!

    Been saying this for the longest, when it comes to basketball, this is the only time jordan and lebron's name should be brought up in the same sentence, just to let people know that it shouldn't be in the same sentence. In fact even before the situation happened with KOBE, I kept saying why they...