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  1. Boarcane

    Maybe things are changing

    both. people get super wide so there’s less space between them and the ground and your *** can’t go as far down. like every other lift, you can very your form to hit different muscles and will be stronger doing it different ways. a real squat, with your *** to the ground, toes “slightly”...
  2. Boarcane

    Maybe things are changing

    i edited after, because i was fast and vague. people get too wide and don’t use their *** properly. squats, like everything, are more about form than weight. look above
  3. Boarcane

    Maybe things are changing

    stability and form first and for most. from the internet: In addition to using your glutes the resistance band squat is a powerful way to strengthen your quads and hamstrings as well. Your leg muscles get involved as you press up to standing against the resistance of the band.
  4. Boarcane

    Maybe things are changing

    i like the bands! am i the only one who likes knee sleeves when squatting?