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  1. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    That's a low bar, but I hear ya.
  2. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    There's a bunch of Dunkel I would rate higher.
  3. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    Don't do Erdinger. Not worth it.
  4. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    Franziskaner. Paulaner. König Ludwig. Weihenstephan (hardly known in Germany). Any of these will suffice for a good taste and you can enjoy them at a slow pace.
  5. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    Drinking beer just for the taste is a mindset Germans dont pursue.
  6. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    Beer that tasts watery can go right in the bin.
  7. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    That's cause the macros have no quality sealing behind it. Every german beer has to follow an actual law if it wants to be sold here. Export beers don't have to follow. Craft beer from outside of Germany is the only thing quality-wise that gets close to it.
  8. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    American beer won't calm down people. Try something more... german.
  9. Bender

    Miami lands QB Cam Ward after weeks of pursuit

    bro I'm doing my masters, how tf am i supposed to study when I'm reading this in my short breaks