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  1. BeastMode

    Manny Diaz on The Joe Rose Show 10/5/2020

    will it be up there by game time? I see that system is on track to hit Nashville by early Saturday morning. Wasn’t sure if it would bend and get over to Clemson. Still a week out and the storm may shift.
  2. BeastMode

    Manny Diaz on The Joe Rose Show 10/5/2020

    I said in the other Clemson thread that Trevor and Ettiene running are the biggest worries. Our front 7 is going to have to play lights out. I’m more Worried about the runs than them passing.
  3. BeastMode

    Manny Diaz on The Joe Rose Show 10/5/2020

    Any other cliff notes. Too busy to listen. Usually it’s all sunshine and rainbows on the Joe Rose show