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  1. Baba Yaga

    Off-Topic Dave Chappelle attacked You mean you went to a comedy show and the comedians made fun of people?
  2. Baba Yaga

    Off-Topic Dave Chappelle attacked

    His skit comedy is legendary to me, and Chappelle's Show occurred at the right time in my life. Now that I'm older I appreciate his stand up much more and as @Go Canes!! mentioned, he's one of the most socially relevant comedians ever. His stand up has opened my eyes to issues and perspectives...
  3. Baba Yaga

    Off-Topic Dave Chappelle attacked

    From the article: Glad Chappelle is ok, he's one of the GOATs. I love standup and comedy in general and loathe this climate we're in now where nobody can take joke without looking for a reason to get offended. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will ******* kill me, apparently.