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  1. A

    Clemson athletes to return to campus June 1st

    I guess you assume they have *** or share needles with each other while on the field? I mean if youre into that, that’s your life its all good. cause you know that hiv and covid are spread rather differently hahah
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    Clemson athletes to return to campus June 1st

    I'm in Ontario Canada, there have been two such cases, but I wouldn't shut it down for it. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying they are treading super careful, cause those change rooms are ripe for infection, think the Browns and Staph Infection. Just saying his pov from a different...
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    Clemson athletes to return to campus June 1st

    I agree with the guy. It's not an arguement whether if itll happen or not, it's essentially, IF it does then your university get sued out the *** and the whole campus will get shut down and football is done for the year. Its 100 percent all to do with liabilities. The in case it happens the...