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  1. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    Sounds like a good new thread idea to me!
  2. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    Obviously physicians know if a person isn't eating well and whose physical makeup is morbidly obese. My argument is that doctors are poorly versed in overall nutrition advice and are much more prone to medicate. Nutrition is woefully understudied in medical school. But I get it, it's more...
  3. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    Nah, I'm not expecting them to do anything. Never said any of that. I am just like Number says, putting the info out there and encourage folks to take ownership of their health via food and nutrition. Nutrition is one of the most underused aspects of medicine and health, imo, and I know there...
  4. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    Yes, it is challenging b/c it requires effort, education and unwinding decades of bad habits/culture/etc. Sugar (and our overdependency on it) is absolutely a culprit but as far as the dairy/meat industry goes, they have a lot more of a detrimental ecological footprint on this world (as...
  5. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    I've tried and it's challenging (and I love to cook). But, with kids in the house and a wife that skews towards paleo, it can be quite challenging! lol So I typically make batches of lentils, split pea and then use chick peas, some grains, fruit/veggies, etc. Try as I might, getting OTHERS in...
  6. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    SArdines are great - don't think you have many issues there. I'm not sure if you have fresh or canned but the taste profile is so much different than canned (obviously) - it was striking to me. Don't know much about herring.
  7. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    Agree. Farm raised in problematic. Farm raised salmon also has a lot higher saturated fat, contaminants, and more likely to be impacted by disease. That said, from a value proposition pov and cost, I'd rather eat farm raised salmon than beef and at almost half the cost of wild caught salmon...
  8. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    I'm with you and feel the same about eliminating/reducing meat. It's tough to do especially with kids! As for your last line, 100% agree. Those also happen to be the biggest lobbyers in this country and as you say, the beneficiaries of govt subsidies, sadly.
  9. AUcane

    Off-Topic Food shortages coming?

    100%. Been reading about this for years when I started my plant based diet kick. It is a big problem and not sustainable. The amount of years left is the big question. This country over consumes meat. Back to the original topic, the food storage will definitely be felt at some point here...