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  1. AUcane

    Off-Topic Personal Health & Fitness HELP Thread

    Not terribly meaningful and it's a bit baffling why they don't add in bloodwork to analyze results as well.
  2. AUcane

    Off-Topic Personal Health & Fitness HELP Thread

    Agree. Did they measure success by weight loss or bloodwork and key markers?
  3. AUcane

    Off-Topic Personal Health & Fitness HELP Thread

    Good point and impossible to tell unless we know the specifics of the study. Doesn't seem like it was a small study and I'm glad that it was a year in duration. Nutrition studies are the hardest to draw a conclusion from because, like you say, so many variabilities and you can't really get a...
  4. AUcane

    Off-Topic Personal Health & Fitness HELP Thread

    I can't read b/c of a paywall but this is interesting to me. I thought it was a foregone conclusion that intermittent fasting was beneficial. That was agreed upon by all nutrition theorists (paleo, keto, plant based, etc).
  5. AUcane

    Off-Topic Personal Health & Fitness HELP Thread

    I'll step into the fray regarding whole grains. Avoiding whole grains, oats and other similar foods is advice that's controversial. Me personally, I say you have to strike a balance b/w health benefits AND weight loss. And for those reasons, cutting out things like oats, whole grains...