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    My thoughts on the class (long)

    Is it me, or has it been getting harder and harder for UM to recruit kids that are involved with 7 on 7? We got good DLs, in So Fla. With the exception of Valentine f*cking us, Chad, DJ, and Moten were all some of the top DL players in So Fla. We did well on the OL too. Darling, Mcdermott...

    My thoughts on the class (long)

    I agree, but part of me wonders how much the NCAA probation and UM compliance being hyper vigilant isnt a part of this. I think the staff HAS to be on a tighter leash on who they can deal with and what kind of programs they can be around. IMO Champagnat is a huge red flag with a notorious...

    My thoughts on the class (long)

    Ive found this highly curious too. And its not just Columbus or Norland. They are at many programs all the time. Yet have clearly kept their distance from Heritage for some reason. It wasnt just Rumph's comments either. My guess, and its pure speculation, is that maybe there are some...

    My thoughts on the class (long)

    This is a lot easier said than done though. Many of these "handlers" are straight up huslters and scumbags. Go read about what has been going on with 7v7 and its a cesspool. Even $EC coaches are dismayed over how sleazy the whole thing is. With UM already on probation, and not having the...

    My thoughts on the class (long)

    I agree with most of D$'s perspective. I see the class as in the middle of the extremes, but certainly more towards the upside than the downside. I think we addressed some very critical areas and got some real talent. No question it could have been better, but this was a team that really...