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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Cormani out at CU

  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Cormani out at CU

  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Cormani out at CU

  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Cormani out at CU

    Maybe worse, fans would blame the CB coach saying that there is no way the #2 recruit ( who was getting comps to Patrick Peterson) could be that bad. Pressure (and lack of other options) would keep him in the lineup, he doesn't just get exposed, then we lose games due to him getting torched...
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    Cormani out at CU

    He's a college freshman. Maybe some of us here are so old we forgot how irresponsible we were at 18. Cristobal should talk with him. If Cristobal thinks McClain isn't salvegable, then I trust his eval.