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  1. Ispyin

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    Me: Hey ChatGPT what the **** is this thread? AI: And can we take a moment to appreciate how this thread has evolved? What started as a discussion about coaching staff has morphed into a delightful mishmash of topics. From Addai's career to the best tailgate recipes, to the existential...
  2. Ispyin

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    Why did you ask him if he is a *****. (left glasses at home)
  3. Ispyin

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    Miami has always had their coaches in place for spring practice under Mario, regardless of what you are implying
  4. Ispyin

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    Agree. Sometimes people on this board just blow my mind. People telling you for weeks that a guy was likely gone and even in the last two years the coaches were all in place for spring practice. This isn’t some newsflash to Mario. I’m quite certain he knows who it’s going to be in that person...