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  1. Atom Atlas

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    Also you have to factor that Marino playing today would also have the training and such in today's game so physically he would be a more adapted player as well... Factor in technology with cameras and digital footage and such in learning... Those things make a huge difference from 40 years...
  2. Atom Atlas

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    I know it goes hand in hand but we haven't had much incentive for top corners to want to come here as of late.... Various positions go through cycles.... Right now DB's are stuck in the downside of a cycle.... Hopefully with Guidry here more DB's will give us a harder look.... Yes a good DB...
  3. Atom Atlas

    Coaching Jahmile Addae gone

    He got an NFL job... What do you think??..