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  1. grover

    Kam & LTIII - Latest ESPN Mock Draft

    First-hand knowledge or speculation? My own 0.02 is that he stepped up this season despite not having the sack and TFL production that makes for good highlights.
  2. grover

    Kam & LTIII - Latest ESPN Mock Draft

    He only signed Coop and McCoy in 2022. One is a starter, one is a key contributor. He then signed Francis, Samson, Kinsler, Tripp and Tinilau in 2023. Francis is already a starter and Samson was becoming a key contributor prior to injury ... as true freshmen. I'm not sure what you want of the...
  3. grover

    Kam & LTIII - Latest ESPN Mock Draft

    I see Cway as less a mope than a gateway drug to mopiness. Some of his posts are hilarious. Most are just snarky. But then he posts stuff like "90% of this thread is I trust _____, without actual analysis. Will certainly be an interesting thread to revisit." in a discussion about a OT commit...
  4. grover

    Kam & LTIII - Latest ESPN Mock Draft

    I have visceral disgust of the mopiness on this site. What fan lives life so miserably or takes such great pleasure in others’ misery? Anyway, LT was asked to plug the middle this past season and he did a very good job in my opinion. NGs just don’t get the stats the interior rushers get. He...