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  1. lindend

    2026 JaReylan McCoy 5* DE from MS

    If memory serves, we whiffed on our MS offers last year. Alabama we almost sneaked out of there with three signing NLI papers. I have to admit, I'm intrigued. I could create a Key Recruits from the slave belt thread (partly a joke, partly serious) if there's enough interest.
  2. lindend

    2026 JaReylan McCoy 5* DE from MS

    Welp, you can't trademark it then.
  3. lindend

    2026 JaReylan McCoy 5* DE from MS

    In the Cunningham thread, @Odysseus said its almost impossible to pull a kid from the slave belt. Almost died laughing, but looks like he said the same thing a year ago in the Kamarion thread too. @Odysseus did you coin that term "slave belt"
  4. lindend

    2026 JaReylan McCoy 5* DE from MS

    After the Kamarion Franklin disappointment, Mario hasn't given up on recruiting elite Kids from MS. 5* JaReylan McCoy is visiting for Junior Day.