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  1. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    funny or not, that’s not italian.
  2. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    It’s not ham (prosciutto) lol, “capocollo” it’s the part of the pig between the head (capo) and the neck (collo). Prosciutto is the leg.
  3. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

  4. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    Nope, it’s CAPOCOLLO
  5. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    There is also a reason, allegedly, why is not at Miami anymore.
  6. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    OBB pod, notorious insiders. They probably just read @Cribby's post.
  7. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    This site would crash and never recover
  8. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    He probably just read the Feldman article.
  9. Alex Del Piero

    Staff Change Update...?

    Oregon DB coach on his way to Michigan State, maybe Addae is going in the PNW? Him and Lanning overlapped at UGA if I’m not wrong.