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  1. Ispyin

    Andrew or D$ give us back the transfer portal sub forum PLZ

    Exactly. We are soon going to be in spring ball and speculating on who is entering the next transfer portal based on spring games and depth charts which is now less than 90 days away (April 16-30) and again to all the blind that complained and took away the vote of like 90% who liked it, here...
  2. Ispyin

    Andrew or D$ give us back the transfer portal sub forum PLZ

    Every village has its’ ….
  3. Ispyin

    Andrew or D$ give us back the transfer portal sub forum PLZ

    You can’t Qure stupid. Don’t play down to the lowest common dumbinator 😎 And for all of those types, it’s called a bookmark - been around for a really long time - Google it! 😂
  4. Ispyin

    Andrew or D$ give us back the transfer portal sub forum PLZ

    I got odds that More people liked it than didn’t. At least do a poll you don’t close the GameDay forum even when it dies down 🤷‍♂️