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  1. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    '24 Offense

    As he became a gimpy/disabled turnover machine our playcalling got a tad more conservative… then it was a bunch more with a stilted playbook for Emory.
  2. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    '24 Offense

    No… we played the same offense. Rewatch the film. GT just adjusted defensively and played a whole lot of mixed zone coverages that somehow perplexed Tyler.
  3. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    '24 Offense

    I’m not sure I understand why? We where a more than capable offensive team until TVD mentally and physically self destructed. Is it Mario/Dawson’s fault they didn’t have the back-up 100% ready enough to feel confident in utilizing them instead of a broken TVD and a limited offense.. YES! But...
  4. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    '24 Offense

    You mean the same time when our QB was infiltrated by a body snatcher and started playing for the opposite team and apparently physically harming himself trying to release himself to the point of his skin falling off his muscles type injured.
  5. Orig.CaneSawMassacre

    '24 Offense

    I think we are all over analyzing a statement made by Ward’s personal QB coach who has a vested interest $$$ in Ward’s NFL career. Based on what I’m sure where some casual statements made by Mario/Dawson who were selling his team on the fact they would be developing him for the NFL. Again I...