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  1. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    I just don’t hate the bears on the same level that I hate the pack and the vikings
  2. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    I’m a lions fan forever but my dad is a bears fan… and living in chicago I want the bears to not suck
  3. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    I’m not saying he’s laporta — obviously I’m saying he’s Lawrence Taylor. Cmon.
  4. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    I think lofton is going to make some noise, I see a little laporta craftiness in his game.
  5. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    Hoping we throw to the tight ends more this year too
  6. ben

    Some ridiculous Ward numbers

    @RVACane @cway313 I would have died if @cway313 said “k” in response