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  1. Felonious Monk

    2023 Official CIS End of Year Award: Top CIS Contributor

    With all due respect, what the **** is wrong with you? You saw one of these polls get closed yesterday because somebody had to act like an ******* and here you are today asking him to hold your beer. The difference between him leaving and you leaving is that people miss him.
  2. Felonious Monk

    2023 Official CIS End of Year Award: Top CIS Contributor

    Are you thinking poophole loophole too?
  3. Felonious Monk

    2023 Official CIS End of Year Award: Top CIS Contributor

    The people in the funniest poster poll apparently don't like donuts, so kudos for giving away a vague "gift". It's everything to everyone and you've got my vote.