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  1. aelmiami

    Mario Will Need To Be A Statistical Outlier - A Review

    I agree. I was able to look over some of the issues last season being year 1. But the same discipline issues, i.e. turnovers, mind numbing penalties, looking like you’ve never played football before that morning, were still present. That’s what worries me. Makes me believe no matter how much...
  2. aelmiami

    Mario Will Need To Be A Statistical Outlier - A Review

    I agree. Maybe he does implode at Oregon. There was some mild success in the life after Herbert, but it remains to be seen what the long term outcome would’ve been. The way I interpret what is happening right now is Mario thought this would be a much easier fix and now he’s meddling too much...
  3. aelmiami

    Mario Will Need To Be A Statistical Outlier - A Review

    Just for comparison’s sake here is Mario’s Oregon numbers. 21-6 5-3 29% 1 2-0 (2-1)* 11-14 I’m fully aware Herbert was his QB before everyone starts in on me. This is not to say Mario hasn’t been an abject failure up to this point here. This just makes me question what is Mario’s baseline...