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  1. C

    Saban has retired.

    So basically Saban wants to still be in control without having any responsibility. Good gig if you can get it.
  2. C

    Saban has retired.

    I will fall off my chair with laughter if DeBoer says no and they actually make a rush decision to go with Tommy Rees. That would be the kind of fail hire we can all get behind.
  3. C

    Saban has retired.

    Somebody made a tweet the other day that Alabama has only had 3 good head football coaches in its history, with Saban being one of them. The probability seems high that they do eff this up which would be absolutely glorious and hilarious.
  4. C

    Saban has retired.

    Holy crap. What a world.
  5. C

    Saban has retired.

    Wait a second, are you saying that Norvell to Bama is potentially a real thing? If yes I must be living in an alternate universe. They would go from the king of college football to Mike freaking Norvell?
  6. C

    Saban has retired.

    You beat me to it. This has to be smokescreen. No way Bama is that stupid.
  7. C

    Saban has retired.

    Good. Those ****ers can go back to being nothing again.