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  1. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Over for next year But under 30.5 wins for 3 year total 👀
  2. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    iTs tOo eArLy tO TelL
  3. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    No that’s what I’m saying. There will be regression back to the mean no matter who they hire outside of maybe Urban. No one a going to do what Saban did. This is a win no matter what
  4. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Not sure why anyone would be worried about any coach going to Bama. They have averaged like a top 2 class every year for 10+ years, multiple titles, draft picks, heisman. You name it. There is no one duplicating that. At worst it stays the same but I don’t think it will. DeBoer is going to sign...
  5. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    If it’s DeBoer it’s good for us. He’s a great coach and will win, but he’s not a dynamo on the trail (at least not yet). An extra player or two that picks us over Bama will be meaningful
  6. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Doesn’t sexton represent like 99% of college coaches? lol
  7. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Not that crazy to me. I absolutely would not want to follow Nick Saban at Alabama. Anyone who has a statue is not someone I’m interested in being after
  8. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    A 40-40 guy before he started the juice. Guy has the best hands and strike zone eye ever. Take his juice years out post 98 and you still have a 3X MVP with an OPS of .958, 374 HR, over 800 RBI and led the league in BBs 4X and OBP 5X. Also had 7 gold gloves. They need to stop the nonsense. End rant
  9. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it
  10. TriStarCane

    Saban has retired.

    Praise the Lord